Projekt 38614/01

Bürgerenergie MOE: Feasibility study – Community energy in the City of idlochovice, Czech Republic


Jihomoravská agentura pro verejné inovace JINAG
Žerotínovo námestí
CZ-60200 Brno


The aim of the feasibility study is to prepare and assess a complex community energy concept in the new positive energy district Chytre Lichy and further enabling prosumers - our primary target group - citizens, public administration, SMEs, NGOs, municipal organisations and other actors including housing cooperatives across the whole City of Židlochovice to participate by joining the community energy network.
The design of the community energy system will be consulted with our primary target group in order to understand their needs and expectations and enable their joining the community energy system.
The results will be presented/will be delivered to the secondary target group, which includes municipalities, investors, state organisations (such as the Energy Regulatory Authority, Ministry of Environment, etc.) and NGOs, as part of the promotion of the project and its outputs.
The feasibility study will be developed by JINAG, the new innovation agency of the South Moravian Region. The concept will be prepared for the specific place - City of Židlochovice including the Chytre Lichy district, and will serve as a case study and methodology for municipalities in the Czech Republic.


Content of the study

The feasibility study will include analysis and design it the following field, leading to develop optimal solution for community energy concept in the district Chytré Líchy, including recommendations for the expansion of community energy in Židlochovice:
- analysis of target group,
- analysis of energy management models (local distribution system, energy cooperative, microgrid ...) in the Chytre Lichy district,
- analysis and design of the administrative model of the community energy (cooperative, public/private company, …),
- analysis and design of the technical solution needed to join the community energy network,
- design of the energy system of the new district Chytre Lichy,
- design of legal framework (draft of agreements).

Planned activities within the project:
- 3-5 joint working sessions of the expert team of the project to set up the analysis and design of specific field of feasibility study
- analysis of primary target group including 1 participative meeting with representatives of primary target group
- communication among project experts to harmonise the individual components and to incorporate findings of the analysis of legislation
- elaboration of a draft of feasibility study for the establishment of the Energy Community in the Chytre Lichy district na úrovni města, including recommendations for the expansion of community energy in Židlochovice
- finalisation of the feasibility study
- publicity and dissemination of results (web, social media) - representatives of public authorities and of secondary target group

The feasibility study will enable the City of Židlochovice to implement the pilot community energy network within the district Chytre Lichy and the City of Židlochovice in order to reach the SECAP goal - 55 % CO2 savings by 2030.
In addition, the recommendations regarding community energy will be published and disseminated among representatives of the secondary target group.

Expected result: Feasibility study, Czech, English



49.061,00 €


01.01.2023 - 31.07.2023



