MOE Fellowship

Fellowships für Hochschulabsolvierende
aus Mittel- und Osteuropa (MOE)

MOE Fellowship

Fellowships für Hochschulabsolvierende
aus Mittel- und Osteuropa (MOE)

MOE Fellowship

Fellowships für Hochschulabsolvierende
aus Mittel- und Osteuropa (MOE)

Our goals

  • Further qualification of university graduates from all disciplines on topics relevant to the environment
  • Knowledge transfer in science, administration and practice
  • international networking between environmental experts from all disciplines

Our requirements

  • Master’s/Master’s/Diploma degree completed with above-average grades no more than five years ago
  • all specialties are admitted
  • Nationality and residence in one of the above CEE countries
  • Proposal for an environmentally relevant and practical topic; see FAQs for outline.
  • Sufficient knowledge of German; must be proven to the host institution at the beginning of the stay.
  • Doctoral students can apply as long as the doctoral project is not completed until after the fellowship has been funded

Our application process

  • Online application procedure in German and English possible
  • Application deadline annually on 05.09. and 05.03.
  • Registration/application on the respective country page

In short: This is the MOE Fellowship

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How the MOE Fellowship starts

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Our services for you

Financial benefits

  • up to 50 fellowships annually. Fellowships funded to date
  • Funding period: 6-12 months
  • monthly fellowship: 1.350 €
  • Health, accident and liability insurance
  • Intensive German course in Osnabrück lasting several weeks before the stay at the host institution

Ideal promotion

  • Assistance in finding a host institution in Germany: possible options include universities, research institutes, companies, specialized authorities, NGOs, etc.
  • Seminars for mutual exchange
  • Invitation to important DBU events, e.g. the presentation of the German Environmental Award
  • Networking between fellows as well as alumni via the online communication platform Stipnet
  • annual meetings of alumni in their home countries

The MOE Fellowship Network

In line with the aim of educating young people in the field of environmental protection and nature conservation, the DBU supports scientists who are working towards a sustainable society with innovative solutions. The following map shows the diversity and commitment of our active and former sponsors. Click on the respective partner country and watch the videos with experience reports and tips from our Fellows from our cross-border network:

CEE countries

Information material on the MOE Fellowship Program

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