The aims and tasks of the DBU Naturerbe

The main objective of the DBU’s Naturerbe subsidiary is to actively safeguard and manage around 70,000 hectares of national natural heritage sites across Germany.

The DBU subsidiary aims to preserve and promote structural diversity and the abundance of native animal and plant species in a variety of habitats on its land.

The open land created by military exercises is preserved as a refuge for rare species through regular maintenance. Near-natural mixed deciduous forests can develop into new wilderness without human influence. Species-poor coniferous forests will first be gradually converted into near-natural forests. Wetlands are ecologically enhanced and preserved by restoring the natural water balance.

For the DBU subsidiary, it is also particularly important to get people excited about the local natural environment and to promote a sense of responsibility for nature. On selected, attractive areas, from which there is no danger from previous military use, residents and visitors are to be informed in the long term about local nature through a variety of offers and nature conservation is to be communicated in a positive way.